Mixed Ability Sport Facility

Mixed Ability Facility

Archery 2 You: A Mixed Ability Sport Facility

Archery 2 You is a Mixed Ability Sport Facility that offers fully inclusive programming.  Archery 2 You has run ASD and Special Needs classes for several years.  It was truly an honour to share our love of archery with these wonderful students and see their growth. However, after taking the Mixed Ability Sport Coach certification, we felt that it was time to transition ALL of our classes in order to offer fully inclusive programming.

Our archery programs are designed to provide the necessary tools and setting to assist all of our students as they learn and develop their archery skills. We have adopted many strategies such as visuals, prompting and modelling to help all of our students fully participate in the sport. Archery is a highly inclusive and accessible activity that promotes self-esteem, increases focus and reduces stress. Archery is not only a very safe sport, but it also is well suited to meet both the strengths and challenges of varying abilities.

Archery bridges the gap between ages and abilities creating an equal playing field for everyone who enjoys the sport. At Archery 2 You we are dedicated to ensuring that archery is truly accessible to all participants interested in becoming involved in the sport of archery.



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